Mark Chopper Read er en australsk rapper (og massemorder) du ikke er hypp på å kødde med. Dette er hentet fra Myspace siden hans (som jeg anbefaler at du sjekker ut):
I am Mark Brandon Read, but most characters like to call me "Chopper." There are a few obscure theories as to how I got my nickname, some reckon it is from an old cartoon, some say it is because I use to cut off the toes of others, while there are those that say it is because I had someone cut my ears off in jail. Maybe they are all right! Maybe they are all wrong! Who really cares.
For the record, it is because someone cut my ears off when I was in Melbourne's elite bluestone college - more commonly known as Pentridge. For some insane reason, some upstanding members of that institution were out to hurt me. I summoned all my manners to politely suggest to the screws that I be transfered from H division. They declined and said there was no way I would be getting a transfer, so I made the simple decision that ears off = transfer. Believe me, it works.
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